« I'll give it to someone special », Paris
« I’ll give it to someone special »
with Clarisse Aïn, Aysha E Arar, Avantgardo, Giovanni Leonardo Bassan, Clément Bataille, Martin Belou, Julie Béna, Boris Bergmann & Federica Belli, Jean-Baptiste Bernadet, Mohamed Bourouissa, Robert Brambora, Clémentine Bruno, Florence Carr, Anjesa Dellova, Guillaume Dénervaud, Jules Dumoulin, Julian Farade, Simon Fujiwara, Nik Gelormino, Basile Ghosn, Valérian Goalec, Alice Guittard, Jacent, Zhiliang Jin, Paula Kamps, ΚΣΣ (Kamil’s stone shop), Lucile Littot, Hubert Marot, Lou Masduraud, Caroline Mesquita, Margaux Meyer, Bianca Millan, Julien Monnerie, Pepo Moreno, Tanja Nis-Hansen, Hamish Pearch, Liselor Perez, Aurélien Potier, Jessy Razafimandimby, Winnie Mo Rielly, Cédric Rivrain, Romain Sarrot, Sequoia Scavullo, Agnes Scherer, Orfeo Tagiuri, Sarah Valente, Wei Libo, Marquel Williams, Miranda Fengyuan Zhang
Sans titre is pleased to present a 10-days Christmas exhibition, opening on December 12 from 6 to 9pm. For this special project, the gallery has invited 40+ artists, friends of the gallery, to contribute their own ornament, all of which be hung on a Christmas tree and sold at a unique price.
The proceeds from the exhibition will be fully donated to Fondation de France and Utopia 56 Paris.
The event is organized in collaboration with Les Amis de Sans titre.