Agnes Scherer

Agnes Scherer (born in 1985, Germany) lives and works in Salzburg and Berlin. She studied painting at the Kunstakademie in Düsseldorf with Peter Doig and Enrico David.

Scherer’s work develops unique forms of presentation which bring together paintings and handmade artifacts, generating large-scale and holistic installations. Scherer thus creates complex pictorial work that resists immediate objectification and commodification, instead demanding from viewers a heightened level of focus and engagement. Throughout her artistic practice, she interrogates power relations and their underlying psychologies. Drawing from analyses of art history, anthropology, and cultural history, Scherer subverts artistic strategies that originally served the consolidation of power. Using anachronisms and representation of universally known symbols, her work often illustrates the uncanny ways in which historical systems, economies, and societal roles are reflected in the present.

Selected solo shows include ‘Woe and Awe’ at Sadie Coles HQ, London (2024); ‘Savoir Vivre’ at ChertLüdde, Berlin (2024); ‘Ein seltsames Spiel’ at Kunst Halle Sankt Gallen (2023); ‘Casper a la mode’, PAGE (NYC) at Bel Ami, Los Angeles (2023); ‘Savoir Vivre’ at Heidelberger Kunstverein (2023); ‘A thousand times yes’ at Sans titre, Paris (2022); ‘Fancies’ at PAGE (NYC), New York (2022); ‘The Notebook Simulations’ at Kunstverein für die Rheinlande und Westfalen, Dusseldorf (2021); ‘My refuge, my treasure, without body, without measure’ at ChertLüdde, Berlin (2021); ‘Coeurs Simples’ at Sans titre, Paris (2020); ‘ORLANDO TUSSAUD’ at Philipp Haverkampf, Berlin (2019).

Agnes Scherer’s first operetta “Cupid and the Animals”, was awarded the Nigel Greenwood Art Prize in 2015 and performed in, among other places, the Museum Ludwig in Cologne (2017) and TRAMPS in New York (2018). In 2019, her second elaborate work within this format, “The Teacher”, was presented by Kinderhook & Caracas in Berlin, at Cabaret Voltaire, Zurich (2020) and recently in Italy for the festival ART CITY Bologna (2023). Also in 2020, Scherer presented the first part of her third operetta project “The Salty Testament” at 1646 in The Hague. The artist’s narrative installation “The Very Hungry” at the Berlin project space Horse & Pony was granted the Berlin Art Prize (2019).

Agnes Scherer’s works are featured in the permanent collections of important institutions and museums, including FRAC Champagne-Ardenne, Reims; Sigg Art Foundation; Moderna Museet, Stockholm; KOLUMBA Museum, Cologne and Kunsthaus NRW Kornelimünster in Aachen.

Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
exhibition view, Woe and Awe, 2024, Sadie Coles HQ. © Katie Morrison
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
exhibition view, Woe and Awe, 2024, Sadie Coles HQ. © Katie Morrison
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
exhibition view, Woe and Awe, 2024, Sadie Coles HQ. © Katie Morrison
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
exhibition view, Ein seltsames Spiel, 2023, Kunst Halle Sankt Gallen
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
exhibition view, Ein seltsames Spiel, 2023, Kunst Halle Sankt Gallen
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
exhibition view, Ein seltsames Spiel, 2023, Kunst Halle Sankt Gallen
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
exhibition view, Ein seltsames Spiel, 2023, Kunst Halle Sankt Gallen
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
exhibition view, Ein seltsames Spiel, 2023, Kunst Halle Sankt Gallen
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
exhibition view, Casper a la mode, 2023, PAGE (NYC) at Bel Ami, Los Angeles
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
Slumber a la mode, 202, watercolor, ink pen, colored pencil, and graphite on paper with wood frame and cotton ribbon
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
exhibition view, Casper a la mode, 2023, PAGE (NYC) at Bel Ami, Los Angeles
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
The Grove, 2023, graphite, colored pencil, and ink pen on paper
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
exhibition view, Casper a la mode, 2023, PAGE (NYC) at Bel Ami, Los Angeles
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
The Jazz Sneaker, 2023, graphite, colored pencil, and ink pen on paper
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
Minnie Carnation, 2023, graphite, colored pencil, and ink pen on paper
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
Agnes Scherer at Art Basel, Statements, 2023 with Sans titre
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
exhibition view, Savoir Vivre, 2023, Heidelberger Kunstverein
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
exhibition view, Savoir Vivre, 2023, Heidelberger Kunstverein
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
exhibition view, Savoir Vivre, 2023, Heidelberger Kunstverein
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
exhibition view, Savoir Vivre, 2023, Heidelberger Kunstverein
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
exhibition view, Antéfutur, 2023, CAPC musée d'art contemporain de Bordeaux
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
exhibition view, Fancies, 2022, PAGE (NYC), New York
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
Trousseau dérangé, 2022, felt tip marker, liquid ink, gouache and color pencil on paper, 208 x 190.5 x 127 cm, unique
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
exhibition view, Fancies, 2022, PAGE (NYC), New York
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
Dark Bonheur, 2022, felt tip marker on paper, 69.8 x 99.6 cm, unique
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
Paris-Salzburg, 2022, felt tip marker and pencil on paper, 50 x 69.8 cm, unique
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
Trousseau dérangé (detail), 2022, felt tip marker, liquid ink, gouache and color pencil on paper, 208 x 190.5 x 127 cm, unique
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
Riding Glove, 2022, felt tip marker and pencil on paper, 29.8 x 28 cm, unique
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
exhibition view, A thousand times yes, 2022, Sans titre, Paris
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
A thousand times yes, 2022, plaster gauze, plaster, acrylic paint, fabric, paper, variable dimensions, unique
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
exhibition view, A thousand times yes, 2022, Sans titre, Paris
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
A thousand times good night, 2022, plaster gauze, plaster, canvas, acrylic paint, ribbons, paper, variable dimensions, unique
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
A thousand times good night (detail), 2022, plaster gauze, plaster, canvas, acrylic paint, ribbons, paper, variable dimensions, unique
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
Say it with flowers, 2022, acrylic on canvas, 99 x 140 cm, unique
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
So much more than words can say, 2022, acrylic on canvas, 80 x 68.5 cm, unique
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
Without title (replica of the artist’s bed), 2022, paper, painted with ink and light resistant felt tip markers, 193 x 135 x 190 cm, exhibition view, Spirits, 2022, LORE DEUTZ, Cologne
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
exhibition view, The Notebook Stimulations, 2021, Kunstverein für die Rheinlande und Westfalen Düsseldorf. © Mareike Tocha
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
Der Perseidenschauer, 2021, wood sculpture, painting, 214 x 330 cm (screen) / 214 x 330 cm (keyboard), unique. © Mareike Tocha
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
exhibition view, The Notebook Stimulations, 2021, Kunstverein für die Rheinlande und Westfalen Düsseldorf. © Mareike Tocha
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
Ganzheit ist träumende Halbheit III, 2021, wood sculpture, painting on canvas (cut in 2 parts), 214 x 175 cm (screen cut in two, each part) / 214 x 175 (keyboard cut in two, each part), unique. © Mareike Tocha
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
Ganzheit ist träumende Halbheit III (detail), 2021. © Mareike Tocha
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
exhibition view, The Notebook Stimulations, 2021, Kunstverein für die Rheinlande und Westfalen Düsseldorf. © Mareike Tocha
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
Plan B(ernand), 2021, wood sculpture, painting on canvas, wall painting, 214 x 330 cm (screen) / 214 x 330 cm (keyboard), unique. © Mareike Tocha
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
Smile (Les Pleurantes), 2021, wood sculpture, painting on canvas, wall painting, 214 x 600 cm (screen) / 214 x 600 cm (keyboard), unique. © Mareike Tocha
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
exhibition view, The Notebook Stimulations, 2021, Kunstverein für die Rheinlande und Westfalen Düsseldorf. © Mareike Tocha
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
exhibition view, My refuge, my treasure, without body, without measure, 2021, ChertLüdde, Berlin
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
exhibition view, My refuge, my treasure, without body, without measure, 2021, ChertLüdde, Berlin
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
exhibition view, My refuge, my treasure, without body, without measure, 2021, ChertLüdde, Berlin
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
exhibition view, Coeurs simples, 2020, Sans titre, Paris
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
Coeurs simples, 2020, mixed media installation, various dimensions, unique
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
Coeurs simples (detail), 2020, mixed media installation, various dimensions, unique
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
Coeurs simples (detail), 2020, mixed media installation, various dimensions, unique
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
exhibition view, Coeurs simples, 2020, Sans titre, Paris
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
exhibition view, Coeurs simples, 2020, Sans titre, Paris
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
Sudden idea for a poem, 2020, acrylic on canvas, painted wooden frame, 51 x 70 cm, unique
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
Baby, 2020, acrylic on canvas, 75 x 104 x 32 cm, unique
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
Baby (detail), 2020, acrylic on canvas, 75 x 104 x 32 cm, unique
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
The guilded nut, 2020, acrylic on canvas, 214 x 167 cm, unique
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
In Luck (1), 2020, gouache and acrylic on convex plaster gauze object, 27 x 10 cm, unique
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
exhibition view, The Salty Testament, 2020, 1646, The Hague
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
exhibition view, The Salty Testament, 2020, 1646, The Hague
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
exhibition view, The Salty Testament, 2020, 1646, The Hague
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
exhibition view, The Salty Testament, 2020, 1646, The Hague
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
exhibition view, The Salty Testament, 2020, 1646, The Hague
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
exhibition view, The Salty Testament, 2020, 1646, The Hague
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
performance view, The Teacher, 2020, Cabaret Voltaire, Zürich
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
performance view, The Teacher, 2020, Cabaret Voltaire, Zürich
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
exhibition view, The Teacher, 2020, Cabaret Voltaire, Zürich
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
performance view, The Teacher, 2020, Cabaret Voltaire, Zürich
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
exhibition view, Cabaret Voltaire, Zürich
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
Gegenstände, 2019, pencil on paper, 80 x 59.5 cm, unique
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
Inaktiver Zeichenarm mit Motiven, die ohne dessen Zutun entstanden, 2017, pencil on paper, 83 x 59.5 cm, unique
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
exhibition view, The Very Hungry, 2019, Horse & Pony, Berlin
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
exhibition view, The Very Hungry, 2019, Horse & Pony, Berlin
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
exhibition view, The Very Hungry, 2019, Horse & Pony, Berlin
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
exhibition view, The Very Hungry, 2019, Horse & Pony, Berlin
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
exhibition view, The Very Hungry, 2019, Horse & Pony, Berlin
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
exhibition view, The Very Hungry, 2019, Horse & Pony, Berlin
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
exhibition view, The Very Hungry, 2019, Horse & Pony, Berlin
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
exhibition view, ORLANDO TUSSAUD, 2019, Philipp Haverkampf Galerie, Berlin
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
exhibition view, ORLANDO TUSSAUD, 2019, Philipp Haverkampf Galerie, Berlin
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
Urlaub mit Schildpattmaske (Schweiz) / Holiday with tortoiseshell mask (Switzerland), 2019, acrylic, dispersion on canvas, 165 x 129 cm
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
exhibition view, ORLANDO TUSSAUD, 2019, Philipp Haverkampf Galerie, Berlin
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
exhibition view, ORLANDO TUSSAUD, 2019, Philipp Haverkampf Galerie, Berlin
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
exhibition view, ORLANDO TUSSAUD, 2019, Philipp Haverkampf Galerie, Berlin
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
exhibition view, ORLANDO TUSSAUD, 2019, Philipp Haverkampf Galerie, Berlin
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
1991 (HotYoke), 2019, acrylic on unstretched canvas, 268 x 138 cm, unique
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
exhibition view, The Teacher, 2019, Kinderhook & Caracas, Berlin
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
performance view, The Teacher, 2019, featuring Soya Arakawa, Tobias Textor, and Claudia Barth, Kinderhook & Caracas, Berlin
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
exhibition view, The Teacher, 2019, Kinderhook & Caracas, Berlin
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
exhibition view, The Teacher, 2019, Kinderhook & Caracas, Berlin
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
performance view, Cupid and the Animals, 2018, TRAMPS, New York
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
performance view, Cupid and the Animals, 2017, Museum Ludwig, Cologne
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
performance view, Cupid and the Animals, 2017, Museum Ludwig, Cologne
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
performance view, Cupid and the Animals, 2017, Museum Ludwig, Cologne
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
performance view, Cupid and the Animals, 2017, Museum Ludwig, Cologne
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
performance view, Cupid and the Animals, 2017, Museum Ludwig, Cologne
Agnes Scherer - © sans titre
performance view, Cupid and the Animals, 2017, Museum Ludwig, Cologne

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